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I am Flame. I have two weapons: a hairpin and a nailfile.

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   Tuesday, April 15, 2003
My name is Fiammetta Maree Medici D'Alfieri.

Weird name? Yeah, I thought so too...

This is my journal, this is my "blog" this is the thing where I write my inner most thoughts--except I don't think I have any...

So what to say then?

First of, I hate being called Fiammetta, and I hate being called Fiammetta Maree. Jeez! as if having to pronounce my first two names wasn't difficult enough Charlie calls me by my full name when she's pissed at me! (which is, suffice to say, 24/7)... I am not such a bad person... I tend to curse a lot, but so do others... Charlie often mentions that I can curse in any language... which is true by the way. First thing I do when my family and I move to another country is learn their curses. It's a preparation thing... I wouldn't want to be smiling when the person I just stepped on called me "putaen" or "cullo" or something equally nasty. Althoug, to go back to my roots, the Italian, "vete a infierno" would be my fave thing to say. Crisp and nasty... and equally meaning it, to whoever shitface I said it to.

Hmm, what else to say?

I'm studying in Lovell Women's International School.


Don't worry, most people are. They think a miscreant like me should not be even in school. (Juvy hall would be more plausible). I got into this school with good grades, and an undoubtably high grasp with the elements i.e. Chemistry--my favourite subject. Maybe that's why battle Ax is so lenient with me, because suffice to say, I deserve the spot with the rest of the uppity geniuses and snobs in this school.

Who's Battle Ax?

She's Headmistress Silja Axel. Danish, I think... She has been the prime target of my pranks ever since I came to LWIS in California i.e. The Motherhouse of ALL Lovell Schools and Branches i.e. The MAIN. I used to study in LWIS Paris, France-- with Charlie. Who's Charlie? She's my cousin. A year older than me (and don't I know it). But back to the topic, Silja Axel has brought it all upon herself... the pranks I mean... why?


Sorry dudes, gotta wink off, first days of school would be tomorrow, can't miss it, you know?


FlameAugust 2003

Life sucks--therefore I need to formulate a new prank against Headmistress Axel--better known as-- Battle Ax